Welcome to SongsForScouts.com!

  January 12, 2007

Wow!  Since the unveiling on June 23rd, there have been over 4,500 unique visitors! 


I've enjoyed receiving your thoughts and cheers via e-mail.  You all are wonderful!  I'm so glad that some of you are able to rekindle thoughts of scouting when you were a child simply by hearing a song. 



Remember, to listen to any one of the songs, simply press the "song" link at the top of each page.  It'll play in .mp3 format.



We changed servers to provide a more reliable service to you all.  During that time, we lost a couple of links.  Sorry about the confusion!  All links should have been fixed.  If you find one, however, let me know!



Please note that though this site is for ALL scouts (boys and girls), I sing them from a girl's point of view - because I'm a girl.  When I start learning more specifically BOY scout songs, I'll record them just how they are supposed to be.  If you are a Scout Master or lead a group of boys, simply replace the gender-specific words with more suitable ones when you teach your boys.


For example:  Sippin' Cider:  The cutest boy will change to The cutest girl



Also, remember the Search Engine.  If you can only remember one word of a song, it'll find all the songs that have that particular word in them for you.  If you've used the search engine, let me know.  I'd love to tell my wonderful husband that his work is appreciated by you.


By now you've probably seen that serviceunit624.org has shut down.  Please pass the word on to your council and have them update their council pages with this new site.



One thing that you'll learn (if you haven't already) is that scout songs can be as different as the people that sing them.  It's a good thing to remind your scouts to welcome differences - including in music.  Some of the songs listed below are those I learned as a Girl Scout in the Tejas Council (in Dallas, Texas).  Others are songs I have learned while being a Girl Scout Leader and Trainer in the Girl Scouts of NE Kansas and NW Missouri Council (formerly Mid-Continent Council).  I hope you enjoy them and take them back to your girls!


So, get a cup of coffee, turn up your speakers, and enjoy singing along to the new songs as well as the old favorites!



Search Engine:






The unveiling of this page was June 23, 2007,

and this many people have come to visit it: